Nautilus Book Award - Memoir Category
Ben Franklin Award
Global EBook Awards - (Spiritual/Metaphysical Category)
Global EBook Awards - (for Illustration and Design)
New Apple book Award - (Inspirational Category)
Writer’s Digest Awards:
From Judge, 24th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards.
“Gorgeous phrasing, fully entrancing and sparkling with freshness. Author has a fine instinct for wowing the reader at the start, and throughout, with beautifully-crafted sentences. Even better, the effect hides the effort. Nothing about this book seems forced, which is what elevates it. Well done. Dialogue is crisp and realistic, punctuated with gestures and interaction, making sense in the scenes and living fully in the settings. Beautiful visuals…engage our senses and place us in the scene. And the wow factor of this book is masterfully-written: ‘the mind can create on a huge scale.’ In this genre as a whole, we are often told about manifesting and attracting that which you focus on, but this author’s great instinct to put power, not warning/negativity, in the reader’s mindset, is truly inspiring. Well done. Stays with the reader.”
On a scale from 0 to 5:
Voice and Writing Style: 5
Plot and Story Appeal: 5
Character Appeal and Development: 5
Structure, Organization, and Pacing: 5
Production Quality and Cover Design: 5
Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar: 5
This book may seem to be a mere fantastic fairytale, but it is full of living truth. It arose from the author’s deep and intimate relationship with the mystery of life. Everything in this book is experiential (even being swallowed by The Big Fish!) .
Tobe and the River Is is a whimsical adventure story about a simple fisherman named Tobe, who lives near a village that stands on the edge of the world. He never imagines that one day he will become a master rider of the most remarkable River Is in a far-off, magical land called Inlăkesh. His story is one of profound transformation as he goes through his adventures. It also portrays his personal revelations about what he is, as he comes to know of his true relationship to this magical River.
This is a tale meant to entertain, inspire, and enlighten the reader. Enjoy its words and images and let them take you to an enchanting place. Do not be surprised if the story changes how you see your world.
"Sanger has succeeded in writing the modern-day Siddhartha: an intricate tale of a deep spiritual journey, within and without. His artistic use of words and illustrations gently opens the door to truth and carries you to the living River; you will be hooked. Your
world is ready for you to let the River flow through you and lead the way. Are you ready? Are you ready to see the world anew?"
Joe Kittel, author of Spiritual Principles in Strategic Alliances
and founder of SPiBR.org LLC.
“Tobe and The River Is by Micah Sanger is an insightful and thoughtful story with a profound spiritual message. It is a deep, metaphorical tale which I absolutely loved from beginning to end….
A delightful and inspiring tale, full of gentle wisdom matched with psychological understandings. If you’re looking for an inspirational character-led story, Tobe and The River Is will make you think and touch your heart and soul. Recommended”
Reviewed by Hilary Hawkes for Readers' Favorite
An Adventure of Wonder and Spirit
"Tobe and the River Is" Now