Self Portrait and the Edge of the World
from Tobe’s Sketchbook
Chapter 1, Toby drawing the village and his world.
It's not always easy.
Chapter 8, Detail, Auriel tells Toby the River can only be found in the present second.
Chapter 8, Detail, The Eye of Awareness and the Changeless Reality opening up to deeper and deeper levels.
Chapter 8, The fresh, peaceful morning... before the changes come.
Chapter 9, Detail, "Then, with a light hand, Toby started drawing the forms of the world— clouds, birds, mountains and mesas, trees, a stable and farmhouse, horses in the meadow with ducks, and someone tending their garden. He painted them with colors, transparent here and there, the way they seem to be, now and then, when one is swimming in the River. By now, the rendering of the forms of the world covered over much of the River. So Toby redrew some zigzags, curlicues, and a few lines..."