Post 18: Awareness and the State of Oneness
Title of Painting: Not I But Christ Liveth In Me In a flash the lightning illuminates the night landscape. Like that, this light of...
Post 17: The River Is Flowing through the World
Detail of Illustration: Tobe’s Sketch of the River Is and the World from “Tobe and the River Is” In my book, “Tobe and the River Is,”...
Post 16: Awareness in the River
Detail of Illustration: The River Flowing Around Auriel and Tobe From “Tobe and the River Is” There is an awareness in the River And is...
Post 15: Swimming in the River
Detail of Illustration: The River Flowing Around Auriel and Tobe From “Tobe and the River Is” The River surrounds us. It is the peace,...
Post 14: Worlds Coming Together
Title of Painting: Mystical House IV My ego mumbles, “You are alone.” A wave of pain tears through me, leaving my inner world crumpled...
Post 13: Beyond Defining Ourselves and Moving to the Self
Title of Painting: San Ildefonso Pueblo V I am done defining myself. I dissolve and become pure relationship with everything. This is...
Post 12: Worlds Touching
Title of Painting: The Juggler We, Indwellers of Worlds While busy juggling the things of this world, A crack… Light appears. We look in...
Post 11: The Transformation of Suffering
Title of Painting: The Storm Anger, pain, confusion, emptiness, despair. You stand as the storm builds, as waves pummel and crash. ...
Post 10: Another Look at Relationships
Title of Painting: The Dance “To the poet, to the philosopher, to the saint, all things are friendly and sacred, all events profitable,...
Post 9: How Do I Feel?
(The date of this social media post: Dec. 1, 2015) I had an experience I would like to share with you. I think it may be of some direct...